Sunday, August 25, 2024

Wow, how things change

 Yes, indeed. First, former President Trump is nearly assassinated because of a big lapse in security.  He gets a big bump in popularity because of it.  The democrats are in a panic!  What to do? What to do??

All projections say Trump will beat Biden this time.  This time, HATE will not win.  That's how Biden got elected in the first place, you know.  On HATE of Trump.  Not the issues, not Biden's unimpressive performance as Vice President, while President Obama was jamming his vision of healthcare down our throats.  No...just HATE.

So, the dems finally decide that they need to run someone younger against Trump.  Well, on the face of it, that's a good idea.  Until Harris opened her mouth.  "I'll put my record up against Trumps anytime!" she said.

Then Harris goes on to cite her accomplishments.  All the great things she has supposedly done.  But not one happened in the last four years!  Harris' record of the last four years is nothing but a black hole.  Now she is making all kinds of pie-in-the-sky promises to get elected.  Hey, Harris, you had four years!  What did you do with it?  Nothing!  Now we're supposed to trust you when you fill our ears with garbage about what you will do, if elected?  You had your chance, forget it! 

 Trump ran Operation Warp Speed to fund critical research for a Covid vaccine.  Biden made sure, when he took office, to fold that office into some other unknown organization, to bury it.  Biden stopped completion of the border wall.  Biden used his presidency to turn back the progress Trump made.  Biden presided over high inflation, and very high costs to borrow money.  Have you tried to get a loan lately?  How was that?  Not fun, for me, and I have good credit!   Biden has failed to fully support our friends in the Ukraine and Israel.  He has failed to clamp down on the pro-palestinian agitators (they are NOT "protesters".  I believe they are getting paid)  when they interfere with regular Americans trying to go about their business.  Four more years of this nonsense?  No thank you, very much.

Trump, also, has picked someone younger to run for Vice President.  I believe Mr. Vance will make a fine VP, and he will accomplish more in 24 months than the current VP did in four years. 

In spite of democrats beating on him for eight (count 'em!) years, Trump is still there, still ready to straighten out this country after the democrats messed it up (again).

President Trump, I do disagree with you about president Biden, though - he is not the worst president ever.  At least two of the people who are front runners for that infamous honor spoke at the recent DNC: president Obama, and president Clinton.  Two of the biggest liars that ever walked into the White House.