Our addled Idiot-in-chief has done it again. He has issued medals of Freedom to a number of individuals he apparently thinks are worthy. I STRONGLY disagree.
Decades after the fact, he issues a Medal to the legal advisor to Martin Luther King. Why?
But, the most gut-wrenching, nausea inducing act was to give a Medal of Freedom to ex-House Speaker Pelosi.
So, Mr. president, let me get this straight: if you continually make fun of the President (E.G. seen on camera, tearing up his State of the Union speech), lead two impeachment trials against him (one of which was blatantly illegal), and lead one of the least productive sessions of Congress in history, you get a medal of Freedom?? How low can the bar go, after that act of idiocy? Heck, everyone that served in the U.S. Military did more for the country than Pelosi ever did, so where are OUR medals?
And, of course, Biden gives nods to democrat cronies like Bloomburg, James Clyburn, and...Al Gore? Al Gore!? Seriously? The father of climate idiocy? Yup, the bar has definitely sunk to a new low. And, of course, a medal goes to the woman who supposedly helped make "juneteenth" a national holiday. Let's not observe the fact President Lincoln, the nation's first Republican President, gave his life opposing slavery, let's not observe Lincoln's great Emancipation Proclamation. No, let's observe some cobbled-up, made up, not-quite-English construct that minimizes President Lincoln's efforts to end slavery.
President Biden, you have done it again. You have once again proven you are addled, weak, and unfit to lead this great Country.