So, among the gems that we have been treated to from our President, including,
"when I came to the Senate 120 years ago", comes the latest: The migrant surge at our southern border "is seasonal. It has been happening every year".
Mr. President, that is false. Check this graphic, courtesy the Pew Research Center, based on U. S. Customs and Border Protection data. It shows unusual surges that have occurred in 2019, 2020, and 2021. These surges are magnitudes of order greater than any surges that have come before.
Mr. President, these surges are symptomatic of your failed border policies. You need to turn this situation around, and quickly. And, oh, yes, you might want to address the more than 18,000 (according to CBS News) children being held at the border right now. After all the garbage the media threw at President Trump about the border "crisis" he presided over, you would think they would be all over President Biden about a REAL border crisis...but Noooooo.
More evidence the mainstream (or lame-stream) media are actively supporting the liberal cause. Mostly, they do it not by outright lying, but by simply omitting certain things. Like the way they consistently omitted the clip of President Trump saying that people should demonstrate "peacefully". You NEVER saw that part of Trumps' speech, because the liberal media snipped it out! Shameful!
I really wish I could trust the media. Many years ago, when the great Rush Limbaugh first used the term "liberal media", I laughed. Seriously, I laughed. At that time, I did not believe the news media would deliberately and maliciously twist the news to match their personal beliefs. Unfortunately, years of watching the media fail to cover news, particularly political news, in a fair and balanced way, have convinced me that journalism is a dead art. And, mind you, this was before I began seeking out conservative news outlets, in an effort to get some balance. CNN, for instance, is so far left, I am boycotting them. I still read USA Today, even though they will tell you that there are more guns in the USA than people, but will NOT tell you that this helps prove that 99% of those guns are NOT being used to commit crimes or kill people. Therefore, more anti-gun laws will NOT stop killings.
I hate it down here in the liberal rabbit hole. And I fear it will only get worse.
And so goes the 200th post.