Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Non-GMO: No Such Thing

I stopped to think about this a while back.  Anything that has been grafted or selectively bred, is, in fact, a GMO - a "genetically modified organism".

This would include just about any crop, and every animal we grow for food.  The only thing different is the method -  in modern times, we directly manipulate genetic material, where before we did so indirectly.  The result, however, is the same.  Better crops, better food animals, better nutrition, and more food for everyone.

So I saw a billboard recently.  It had a huge picture of a chicken, you know, a feathered fowl-type bird we commonly eat, with the caption "I'm me, not meat".
This is 'way beyond lunacy.  The billboard suggests that animals are sentient, and therefore should not be eaten.  Yes, I did use the words "sentient" and "animal" in the same sentence.  Only because a certain organization consisting of very silly people did so first.  I myself believe that people who eat no meat or animal products are missing out on a variety of important vitamins and minerals.  Possibly some we have not yet discovered.  Those people do not seem quite "right" for lack of a better term.  It's not that they are different - they seem snarkier, nastier, and generally more easily offended than the average person.

I say go away, and quit telling the rest of us what to do. 

More later.