Our infamous speaker of the house, wants to be sure that the Senate runs a "fair" impeachment trial. RIGHT! After that kangaroo court, otherwise known as house democrats, went through their slanted, biased, and obviously rigged play at impeachment. So now speaker pelosi expects a fair trial in the Senate? HAH! Impeachment will enter the Senate dead on arrival, underlining the enormous waste of time and resources the democrats have spent in trying to discredit the President.
Voters, take notice! First the democrats ran their "investigation" all last summer, trying to "prove" the President didn't win the election of 2016. They failed, abysmally. Then they snagged onto some tenuous bits of "evidence" that the President has committed some sort of wrongdoing. The democrats have strung that out into a months-long display of party-line revenge taking. They have wasted their time, as well as our taxpayer resources, in trying to oust the President.
Democrats, face up to facts: You Have Failed. Worse, you are about to throw away the 2020 election, because you desperately need a new playbook, and new talking points. Taxing the rich is stupid, and won't reduce the national deficit by any significant amount. Bigger government programs are costly and wasteful - look at the failure known as Obamacare. You can't look at that and say with a straight face that it is sustainable. Obamacare has managed to tax the heck out of ALL of us, through higher health insurance rates. Mr. Obama, how has that helped the country? Lastly, you have no real viable candidates for President. Certainly not Clinton. Definitely not that blowhard, Bloomburg.
Republicans, you need a new playbook, too. The time is ripe to strike off into a new direction, and offer new programs to actually help everyone. Raising the minimum wage is not really a solution; it only feeds inflation. What does $15 an hour mean if a loaf of bread costs $5?
On entering the new year, the best thing that the speaker of the house can do is step aside, and let her party find a new direction. The direction they are following now is most definitely wrong.
Happy New Year, and I hope things are OK in your country.