Monday, February 15, 2021

The Circus Has Left Town (sort of)

 That ridiculous, shameful, and yes, illegal circus the democrats called the impeachment trial has ended.  It is extremely troubling that nobody stepped up to say "STOP!  This is NOT Legal!  You cannot do this!"  You know, in our great US of A, there are three branches of government:  The executive branch (the President & Vice President)  who have overall command, within limits.  There is the legislative branch (Congress), whose job it is to make laws.  Then there is the judicial branch, whose job it is to interpret the laws.

So, when the liberals began gathering people for this shameful exercise of wasting the taxpayer's money, they consulted the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who is stipulated by our Constitution to be the person in charge of this event.  However, the Chief Justice refused to participate in this circus.  At that point, the impeachment should have been dead in the water.  But, no...the liberals bulled forward, appointed somebody else in his place (NOT constitutional), and pushed on.  So, when the Senate gathered to begin this sham trial, the question was raised, whether the trial was constitutional.  The Constitution clearly states that impeachment is meant to remove a sitting public officer.  The liberal's solution:  take a vote on whether the Senate thinks the proceeding is constitutional.  This is the Senate, mind you, interpreting our laws, which the Constitution clearly states is the job of the Judiciary branch of government.

So, when the question was raised, it should have gone to the Supreme Court, NOT the Senate.  Fortunately,  the flimsy "evidence" the liberals had failed to convict President Trump.

Some democrat has suggested a "truth commission".  Fine idea!  Maybe we can finally find out the truth about Hunter Biden's shady dealings, which the lame-stream media has been sweeping under the rug.  Maybe we can hear the truth about the fellow who admitted to altering an email that was used in the Russia case the House of Representatives was drumming up against President Trump.  Perhaps we can hear the truth about how the extreme right-wingers were planning an attack on the capitol months before President Trump gave his January 6 speech.

 That would be nice, but in a liberal-controlled government...and media...I would not hold my breath.  

P.S.  Would everybody stop capitalizing the 'b' in the term 'black'?  Isn't this elevating one race above others?  And isn't that, by purest definition...racism?  Most of us were taught racism is bad all our lives.  Are you saying that it's OK now?  Nonsense!