Saturday, February 6, 2021

Oh, My Mistake...

 A couple of posts ago, I said that one of the reasons the lame-stream* media hates President Trump is, he often spoke to us via Twitter, so the media didn't get to frame, spin, or censor his words.

Turns out I was wrong.  The lame-stream media is censoring Trump.  They have been, and are continuing, to misrepresent what he says.

 President Trump made a speech, telling loyal Americans to march peacefully on the capitol.  But you won't see that version on CNN, MSNBC, or any of the "major" networks.  Why?  They CENSORED the President's words!  They actually edited them out, so you would not see them, make it would seem that President Trump did, indeed, incite a violent riot at the Capitol.  This is the "evidence" the scumbags in the house of representatives are using to try and illegally impeach a President, who, by the way, is no longer in office.  Illegally?  Yup!  The impeachment process, according to our Constitution (remember that document?) is meant for removing a sitting president from office.  It was NOT intended to punish someone who is no longer in office, the way the liberals in congress are attempting to do now.  This is wrong, it is illegal, and completely unjustifiable.

We need somebody to call the liberals to task on these kinds of actions.  It certainly will not be the current President, who is much too busy breaking all-time records writing executive orders by the dozen, and spending money like it's going out of style.

I just wish I knew who it would be to set things straight in Washington, but it's sure not any democrat.

* Sara Palin originally referred to the "mainstream" media by this name.  I have always liked it.