Hello, December. The twelfth month. I am glad to see you. It means this lousy year is on its way out. The news I have read tells me the Covid vaccine should start being distributed late in December, or early January. Business seems to be optimistic about the near future, judging from the high Dow Jones numbers I have been seeing. Hopefully, that will mean things will start to pick up soon. It will be hard to tell in December, which really has not-quite-three good work weeks in it before the holidays kick in.
So we will hunker down, and await the new year. Not looking forward to "No-Show-Joe" becoming president. "No-Show-Joe" is what we called him during the bad old Obama days. You NEVER heard anything from the Vice President; it was all Obama. Fortunately, I believe the Republicans will keep control of the Senate. That will keep "No-Show-Joe" in check.
President Trump's legal challenges are playing out. They are not panning out, for the most part. It appears this election was carefully run. I salute all of the poll workers, especially those in states where they had to recount the votes. Many folks lamented the slow pace of the vote counts, but I believe the folks involved were taking their time, and making sure everything was right. Thank you, and I understand you not wanting any publicity, because there are stupid people in the world who have nothing better to do than make threats against people who are just doing their job.
Speaking of stupid people, may all those stupid people who keep broadcasting ridiculous conspiracy theories be struck deaf, blind, and dumb. Then we wouldn't have to hear from them anymore. The lovely and talented Mrs. Dellroy was telling me about one conspiracy theory about ballots getting "kicked out" of the machine, and not counted if they were unreadable. I said, "wait a minute! When we voted, WE fed the ballots into the machine. Did they get kicked out?" Nope. They were read, and tabulated accurately. That's just one small example of the idiocy that is being thrown around, largely on social media.
I am starting to believe so-called social media brings out the evil in people. From what I have seen, snap judgements are encouraged, sound bytes rule over rational thought, and mob rule, bullying, and intimidation are the norm. Hence the reason my Internet footprint is quite small.
Finally, what we really need to do, is what an Indiana resident suggests. Just across the state line from Ohio, on route 30, is a billboard. Instead of "God Bless America", it says "America, Bless God".
There are still rational, thinking, God-fearing people in America. We need every one of you.