So much unbelievable garbage is floating around the internet now. Mrs. Dellroy, who is a Facebook member, showed me a piece that a friend had thoughtlessly passed on.
This friend is a normally intelligent person, but it appears her BS filter is out of order. The article stated that in the 1918 pandemic, most of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, caused by wearing masks.
This bit of rubbish was so incredibly untrue, that I just stared, saying "WHAAAAAT?!" Mrs. Dellroy, a normally intelligent person, seemed to be accepting this crap at face value, which was also troubling.
So, I did a quick search, to show Mrs. Dellroy that this malicious excrement was being roundly refuted on just about every site that Google referenced, including Snopes. By the way, if you get the chance, please support Snopes. The purveyors of falseness have been attacking Snopes...for telling the truth. This is definitely the worst side of "social media" showing itself. I find Snopes to be fair and impartial, which they constantly strive to be.
For those who have never heard the term "BS filter", it's that part of your mind that some call common sense, or even horse sense. It is that part of your mind that makes you say "WHAT!?" when you encounter something that is so outlandish that it can't possibly be true. And 99% of the time, it's right. And BS? It's a term for outrageously false stuff, which we call "bull sh*t".
Anyway, check your BS filter often. Be alarmed if you find yourself accepting things that don't agree with reality.