Our government needs to clamp down on the "protesters". To each and every "protester", I say, I don't care how holy your cause is. What gives you the right to destroy other peoples' property, or take away other peoples' rights? What would Martin Luther King, Jr. do, I wonder....hmmmmm?
I call them "protesters" because they are expressing their displeasure in a very destructive way. Not only that, destruction is their first choice of action. Not speaking up, not pursuing justice through the proper channels, not acting thoughtfully, but in anger, and in malice.
Social media has mislead people that "justice" can be instant. That is not true. True justice takes time. ALL rights - those of the accused, as well as the accuser - must be respected. ALL the facts must be considered, not just those that support your position. That is why we have the justice system that we have - it it meant to carefully weigh all of the facts in the case, before coming to a conclusion. And if you do not agree with that conclusion you DO NOT have the right to go out and destroy property, or tramp over other peoples' rights. That makes you a thug, a criminal, someone who has no right to ask for justice in the first place.
Sadly, I know these words will fall on deaf ears. And that is why I call on the government to uphold the rights of regular folks to live in peace, without having their property destroyed, or being unable to walk down the street to get groceries because some goons are holding their "protest". Protect the regular citizens. the ones who are paying their taxes, who are not participating in violent "protest" actions. Do it before we regular citizens are forced to defend ourselves.