Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A Full Moon, and Corona Craziness

The tribal peoples call it the pink moon. (I do not call them "native".  My family is as "native" as they are.)  It seems appropriate that we have a full moon in the midst of the covid-19 craziness that has a hold on us for three weeks, now.  At least our state health folks seem to be indicating that the curve has, indeed, flattened, and we may soon be reaching the turning point with this pandemic.

You know, I believe that President Trump could be out on the streets, handing out blankets to the homeless, and some media jerk would find fault.  For over three years, President Trump has not gotten a fair shake from the media, no matter what he does.  Then there are those people who are accusing the President of not reacting soon enough to the pandemic.  To those people I say, "SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!"  Anybody can be a Monday morning quarterback - anyone can second guess another human beings' actions, after the fact.  But I strongly believe that not one of those naysayers could have done a better job, if THEY were sitting in the hot seat.  But, like the late, great Jim Croce said "everybody's gotta say something, just like everybody's gotta do something."

It has been a nice vacation, though.  The company where I work is still open, but only that part which provides parts for the medical industry.  Since my projects cannot be delivered (my customers have all shut down), I was given a temporary lay-off.  But my great state has gotten the unemployment money flowing quickly, so we are not having problems.  Mrs. Dellroy is busy making breathing masks.  They're not N95 - specification masks, but they are triple layer cloth, which should stop most stuff going out or coming in.  She does not charge for them - she does not feel it's right to do so.  I am proud that she is helping out however she can.  We need more people like that.

More Later