Saturday, November 2, 2019

USPS: We [DON'T] Deliver For You

That's right.  If you are a rural USPS customer, and somebody ships you a package that's too big for the mailbox - tough luck!  They WILL NOT leave it on your porch, they WILL NOT knock on your door, they will just leave a note, and you have to go to the post office to get it.  Yes, the ultimate in efficiency and convenience, is our postal service.  It seems they are losing too much money on incidents that occur in customers' driveways - like, backing into something, running over a child, etc. you and I, we would wonder if they need to hire better people.  You know, people who actually care about what they are doing?  But no, this is obviously the fault of those evil driveways, not our excellent employees.  Therefore, we shall tell our employees (I am NOT making this up!) not to venture into a customers' driveway, for any reasonReally?  Yup!  So, we must make more use of Fedex and UPS, who will leave packages for us.

A few years from now, postal workers will be moaning their fate, protesting layoffs and cutbacks, as their employer slowly shrivels up...and dies.