When President Trump was elected in 2016, the first thing democrats did was exclaim "he couldn't have won the election fair and square! He must have had help!" And so began the months of "investigations" into so-called collusion, which, of course, yielded nothing.
Then came the two poorly-advised attempts to impeach President Trump. The second attempt was blatantly unconstitutional, but the democrats pushed on, ignoring rule of law. Those. also, failed.
In the meantime, President Trump was constantly being harassed by various democrats, including the Speaker of the House, who, on many occasions, indulged in extremely unprofessional behavior to ridicule President Trump. Her House of Representatives was arguably the least productive in recent memory, because their focus was on making fun of the President, instead of taking care of the countries' business.
And, after President Trump left in office in 2020, he was still being assaulted by various democrats. The democrat leadership of the state of New York was especially notorious for changing the law, regarding their statute of limitations, so a certain gold digging woman could claim Trump had assaulted her.
So, here we are in the year of our Lord, 2024. Trump is leading in the polls, he is winning state primaries in his quest to be re-elected. Biden has been doing a crummy job of running the country; polls show more and more people are not happy with him. Other countries see Biden as weak, and so they are taking advantage of the situation to intimidate the world. The democrats don't seem to have anybody better to run for President - really??? - and there are many, many, angry Republicans out there, who might not agree with Trump's actions, but have had enough of lousy democrat policies, and democrat harassment of President Trump.
So, here we are. The liberals have single-handedly created the perfect situation for Trump to get re-elected. And we come to the real reason the democrats are so afraid: when Trump gets elected, it will be the biggest, nastiest, bloodiest revenge Presidency in history. Conservatives who did not support Trump will be shut out. Democrats will get a huge dose of their own medicine - Trump's White House will roll over them worse then Obama's White House and Congress rolled over Republicans to pass Obama's "reforms". Democrats, and their media cronies will scream bloody murder, but to no effect.
And, in the end, China and Russia will get their wish to de-stabilize the USA. This is the part that concerns me. This country needs to get back to our core values. We need to support our friends - most notably, the Ukraine and Israel. We need to slap down those third-rate, third-world hooligans who have been attacking civilian shipping. Will these things happen? Only time will tell, as the late, great Jimmy Buffet said.