You know, the country is getting to be the way it was before the Civil War. I believe the reason President Lincoln was so somber during that period, is that he saw what was going on. At that time, the subject of slavery was dividing the American people. Lincoln tried to build a bridge, but failed. He saw the people growing more and more polarized on the subject as time went on. It wasn't hard to see what was going to happen if the trend could not be reversed.
Some "scholars" try to tell us that Lincoln was "trying to hurt" the southern states. I do not agree. If you look it up, secession and slavery were two of the foremost causes given for the war.
So now here we are. People are getting more and more polarized on different subjects. Outside influences, I believe, are stoking the fires of prejudice through "mob media". Many of the crap posts I have seen quoted from mob media have the same characteristics: they give an incomplete story, they demand you make a snap judgement, right now, on the spot, and that you react passionately. Hmmm. Sounds like one method salespeople use to pressure folks into buying something, don't you think?
It gets worse when the so-called "main stream media" participate. If you examine the police-involved shootings of the last 10 years, the first report you see is "white policeman shoots unarmed black man". While this is true in the most technical sense, it wasn't until MUCH later the media finally got around to telling us that the black man was not cooperating with the police. In fact, in many cases, the suspect actually fought with the police, and/or tried to take the officer's weapon. When the officer could not stop the suspect any other way, he/she resorted to lethal force. And the officer is vilified for it. How stupid. How wrong.
Then, when a clear-cut case occurs, as happened in New York a few years back, where a pair of black girls kill an Uber Eats driver, the media barely report it. Where was the outrage? Where were the protests? Where was the justice? The girls were remanded to the juvenile justice system, but they get to live their lives. Not the poor guy they killed!
I have seen people post stupid and crappy things on other sites. One site in particular, which is supposed to be about technical stuff, had a story about a guy who didn't obey the police, and got shot. Some jerk posted "obey...that's what the cops say before they shoot you". If this person was an American, he/she needs to be sent to some slave state, so they can appreciate the freedoms we have here. But I do not believe that person, and many more like them, are Americans. I believe they are Russians and Chinese, using mob media to drive wedges between us all, and tear down this great country that they are so jealous of.
God's word describes a very bad time to be alive, before the world as we know it comes to an end. It looks to me like that very bad time is on the horizon.
In the meantime, SPARCL15 suffered a catastrophic failure. It appears the power supply blew up (not explosively), destroying the main board, and the video card. So, SPARCL16 is about to be born. It will be the replacement for SPARCL12, which has been the main SPOCS machine for ten years or so.
Oh, yes...because the old System V style of shared memory programming is being deprecated, there are changes coming to SPOCS.
More when I know more.