Thursday, August 26, 2021

What a Maroon!

 That is one of my favorite Bugs Bunny quotes.  Of course, Bugs meant "moron", but it made for a funny bugs-ism.

The "maroon", in this case,  is our very own Liar-in-Chief, President Biden.  When he decided to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan, HE caused a power vacuum in that country, that the Taliban and other terrorists were more than happy to fill. 

As quickly as our troops and advisors left, the terrorists scrambled in, taking town after town, in that poor country.  For some reason, president Joe thought the terrorists would play nice until we got all of our people out of the country. 

Well, here's news to you, Joe - they're TERRORISTS.  That means unscrupulous, murderous,  thieving bottom-feeders.  So now, the terrorists attack, and kill a dozen of our people.  Now President Joe says "we will not forget, we will hunt you down".. Yeah, right.  

Uh, Mr. President, there's just one little detail...


 This loss of American life, and property was completely avoidable.  YOU took unilateral action that has resulted in American lives being lost.  Their blood is on YOUR hands.  Just like the blood of Americans is still on Hillary Clinton's hands from her bungling of the Benghazi situation.

This president is proving to be a bumbling know-nothing.  To all of those snarky jerks who said competence has returned to the White House, YOU ARE SO WRONG!

There is no competence in the White House.  We used to have competence.   Other countries did not mess with us.  The price of energy was better.  Until Covid hit, our economy was doing well.  Our new idiot-in-chief is in the process of unraveling all of that, and more.  Lord, have mercy on the USA.