Well, I finally got into what this "critical race theory" thing is all about. I'm told it's the idea that since statistics tell us that black folks don't do as well as other folks, that they are held back more than other folks, that there must be a reason.
Basically, that makes sense. Until you put that idea into context. Cash-strapped police departments have been using statistics to track criminal activity. Logically, statistics will show you where the most crimes occur in a city, as well as the type of person who is committing them. So, logically, you would want to put more patrols in areas where you expect trouble, and you would watch out for the kind of person who the statistics say commits the most crimes, right?
Oh, no, no, no, say the "woke" morons and BLM sympathizers. That's racial profiling! No, no, you can't do that! That's wrong!
What's wrong, the statistics? Do you believe they are somehow wrong? They are not.
You cannot have it both ways. You cannot say using statistics to show black folks are downtrodden is OK, and then say don't use them to show that blacks are involved in quite a few crimes, not to mention black-on-black violence (which rarely gets reported, it seems).
The statistics are telling me that there are a lot of folks who are failing to teach their children respect for the law, and Police people. The statistics tell me that many folks do not teach their children basic human respect. THIS is what needs to change. Until it does, we can only expect more of the same.