Sunday, August 26, 2018

"Honoring an American hero"

Yes, I must agree with Google, and many Americans, that Senator John McCain was, indeed, an American hero.  This sentiment, shared by many, is at odds with the goofy comment President Trump made about it a while back.  Mr. President, may I suggest eight deep breaths before saying something "off the cuff"?  It would make you look much better.
I must present one disparaging thought on Sen. McCain, though.  As a victim of President Obama's Great Healthcare Vision, known as the Affordable Care Act, AKA "Obamacare", McCain's last vote was against putting an end to that nightmare.  The Democrats keep bragging that "twenty million" people signed up for ACA, but actual figures tell us that half that signed up last year.  Clearly, people are finding out what I did:  Obamacare is a SHAM.  The coverage is cut-rate, the deductables are high, the premiums are high, even with government help.  I myself began 2017 unemployed.  My choices were COBRA insurance (where health insurance companies charge the highest amount the law allows.  For us, it was $1,900 per month for three people!), or the ACA, or Marketplace insurance. 

So, we went with the ACA.  I can say, it was better then nothing.  For someone who never had insurance, it was probably the greatest thing going.  But we soon learned about the high deductables (typically $7500 for us), the high co-pays, and the confusion and extra paperwork it caused our healthcare providers.(they all hated the extra paperwork)   At the end of it all, when we filed our federal taxes for 2017, the government said, "oh, you worked too hard, and made too much money.  Remember that "help" we gave you?  Pay it all back!"  I am NOT kidding, or exaggerating. Not only did we have to pay thousands of dollars in business taxes, but now, the government wants their thousands in Obamacare money back!
So, to all of you senators and representatives, if Obamacare is so great, why don't YOU sign up for it?  If it is so fine, why doesn't Obama himself use it?  Senator McCain, I admire your service to this country.  Thank you for your service, and your sacrifices.  However, your legacy will be forever tarnished by that final vote, which allows a scam to continue, masquerading as help to the people.  One last note:  if the ACA is so great, why is the number of people on it going down??

P.S., At the first of this year, I was hired by a great company, who provides great insurance.  I pay a couple hundred dollars a month, but it is 'WAY BETTER than Obamacare ever was.
Okay, that is the end of the rant.
As soon as I get done dealing with the IRS, maybe I can get some work done on SPOCS.  I seem to be dealing with the "left hand" and the "right hand"*.  I have one notice from the IRS, saying "we have checked your return, and you have a refund of $600.  I have another notice, from the same organization, saying, we are auditing you, and we think you owe us $7000.  I wonder how I can introduce the left hand to the right hand.  Any suggestions?

Ah, well.  The new SPOCS is running well, I just need to finish work on the DR7 (Modbus TCP) driver.  I will, some way, get a new release out this year!

More later on.

*An old expression, "the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing", as in someone, or an organization, that behaves in a contradictory way.