Sunday, August 25, 2024

Wow, how things change

 Yes, indeed. First, former President Trump is nearly assassinated because of a big lapse in security.  He gets a big bump in popularity because of it.  The democrats are in a panic!  What to do? What to do??

All projections say Trump will beat Biden this time.  This time, HATE will not win.  That's how Biden got elected in the first place, you know.  On HATE of Trump.  Not the issues, not Biden's unimpressive performance as Vice President, while President Obama was jamming his vision of healthcare down our throats.  No...just HATE.

So, the dems finally decide that they need to run someone younger against Trump.  Well, on the face of it, that's a good idea.  Until Harris opened her mouth.  "I'll put my record up against Trumps anytime!" she said.

Then Harris goes on to cite her accomplishments.  All the great things she has supposedly done.  But not one happened in the last four years!  Harris' record of the last four years is nothing but a black hole.  Now she is making all kinds of pie-in-the-sky promises to get elected.  Hey, Harris, you had four years!  What did you do with it?  Nothing!  Now we're supposed to trust you when you fill our ears with garbage about what you will do, if elected?  You had your chance, forget it! 

 Trump ran Operation Warp Speed to fund critical research for a Covid vaccine.  Biden made sure, when he took office, to fold that office into some other unknown organization, to bury it.  Biden stopped completion of the border wall.  Biden used his presidency to turn back the progress Trump made.  Biden presided over high inflation, and very high costs to borrow money.  Have you tried to get a loan lately?  How was that?  Not fun, for me, and I have good credit!   Biden has failed to fully support our friends in the Ukraine and Israel.  He has failed to clamp down on the pro-palestinian agitators (they are NOT "protesters".  I believe they are getting paid)  when they interfere with regular Americans trying to go about their business.  Four more years of this nonsense?  No thank you, very much.

Trump, also, has picked someone younger to run for Vice President.  I believe Mr. Vance will make a fine VP, and he will accomplish more in 24 months than the current VP did in four years. 

In spite of democrats beating on him for eight (count 'em!) years, Trump is still there, still ready to straighten out this country after the democrats messed it up (again).

President Trump, I do disagree with you about president Biden, though - he is not the worst president ever.  At least two of the people who are front runners for that infamous honor spoke at the recent DNC: president Obama, and president Clinton.  Two of the biggest liars that ever walked into the White House.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

AAAAAAnd now, for the BARF of the day

 Our addled Idiot-in-chief has done it again.  He has issued medals of Freedom to a number of individuals he apparently thinks are worthy.  I STRONGLY disagree.

Decades after the fact, he issues a Medal to the legal advisor to Martin Luther King.   Why?

But, the most gut-wrenching, nausea inducing act was to give a Medal of Freedom to ex-House Speaker Pelosi.  

So, Mr. president, let me get this straight:  if you continually make fun of the President (E.G. seen on camera, tearing up his State of the Union speech), lead two impeachment trials against him (one of which was blatantly illegal), and lead one of the least productive sessions of Congress in history, you get a medal of Freedom??  How low can the bar go, after that act of idiocy?  Heck, everyone that served in the U.S. Military did more for the country than Pelosi ever did, so where are OUR medals?

And, of course, Biden gives nods to democrat cronies like Bloomburg, James Clyburn, and...Al Gore?  Al Gore!?  Seriously?  The father of climate idiocy?  Yup, the bar has definitely sunk to a new low.  And, of course, a medal goes to the woman who supposedly helped make "juneteenth" a national holiday.  Let's not observe the fact President Lincoln, the nation's first Republican President, gave his life opposing slavery, let's not observe Lincoln's great Emancipation Proclamation.  No, let's observe some cobbled-up, made up, not-quite-English construct that minimizes President Lincoln's efforts to end slavery.

President Biden, you have done it again.  You have once again proven you are addled, weak, and unfit to lead this great Country.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Demonstraters, or Agitators?

 It's about time our House Speaker got around to turning a spotlight on the supposed "demonstrators", who are protesting Israel's "genocide"  of Palestinian people.

First, their cause is false.  Period.  Remember what the Israelis are trying to do:  eliminate the hamas terrorists.  What the liberal media and their lying minions are forgetting to say, is the hamas rats keep hiding in among innocent civilians.  So naturally, when the Israelis go to kill the rats, sometimes innocent people get hurt.  Hamas, of course, uses that to "show" the world how evil the Israelis are.

Completely forgetting, naturally, what started this war in the first place: hamas launching hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel.  Killing innocent people.  Destroying property.  We must remember that point.  Hamas started this conflict.  Whatever comes of it, the blood is already on their hands.

So, back to the protestors - or, rather, agitators.  Why aren't the media checking into them?  Who are they?  Who is paying them, and/or feeding them? These people are not agitating out of the goodness of their hearts, they are mercenaries, and need to be treated as such.  These are NOT innocent people. When they are arrested for destroying property, or interfering with peoples' legitimate business, they should be thoroughly checked out for ties to foreign governments, and treated as spies if any are found.

It's past time for the government to check out "protestors", and see if they are really working, however indirectly, for foreign interests who are not friendly to the USA.

Democrats, I call on you to take up this challenge, and stop the seven year witch hunt that has you constantly pounding on President Trump.  If you put half the energy into checking out foreign-paid agitators that you put in to harassing the former President, the "protestor" problem would go away.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Wake up, Mr President!

 President Biden continues to get in Israel's face, demanding that they de-escalate the war against Hamas.

Mr. President - escalation has already happened!  When The Houthis got involved, and when the Iranians got involved.  At least you are finally acknowledging Israel is our friend, and deserves our support.  Now, put our money where you mouth is, Mr. Biden.  Support Israel in their stated goal of eradicating the rats of hamas.  Never forget that the rats have a habit of hiding among, and behind, the people, because at heart, they are cowards.  Give Israel the support they need to reach their goal.  And while you are at it, it's time to slap down the Houthis and Iranians one good time.  Take out their ability to cause trouble, and tell them, in no uncertain terms, that we will do it again if they ever threaten our, or our friends' interests.  

And if our spooks should find any evidence that Russia or China are aiding anti-Israel forces, it's time to serve them a stern warning - a concrete warning, not just words - not to be bad players.  It's time America is seen as having some backbone, instead of being weak.

Sunday, January 21, 2024


 When President Trump was elected in 2016, the first thing democrats did was exclaim "he couldn't have won the election fair and square!  He must have had help!"  And so began the months of "investigations" into so-called collusion, which, of course, yielded nothing.

Then came the two poorly-advised attempts to impeach President Trump.  The second attempt was blatantly unconstitutional, but the democrats pushed on, ignoring rule of law. Those. also, failed.

In the meantime, President Trump was constantly being harassed by various democrats, including the Speaker of the House, who, on many occasions, indulged in extremely unprofessional behavior to ridicule President Trump.  Her House of Representatives was arguably the least productive in recent memory, because their focus was on making fun of the President, instead of taking care of the countries' business.

And, after President Trump left in office in 2020, he was still being assaulted by various democrats.  The democrat leadership of the state of New York was especially notorious for changing the law, regarding their statute of limitations, so a certain gold digging woman could claim Trump had assaulted her.

So, here we are in the year of our Lord, 2024.  Trump is leading in the polls, he is winning state primaries in his quest to be re-elected.  Biden has been doing a crummy job of running the country; polls show more and more people are not happy with him.  Other countries see Biden as weak, and so they are taking advantage of the situation to intimidate the world.  The democrats don't seem to have anybody better to run for President - really??? - and there are many, many, angry Republicans out there, who might not agree with Trump's actions, but have had enough of lousy democrat policies, and democrat harassment of President Trump.

So, here we are.  The liberals have single-handedly created the perfect situation for Trump to get re-elected.  And we come to the real reason the democrats are so afraid:  when Trump gets elected, it will be the biggest, nastiest, bloodiest revenge Presidency in history.  Conservatives who did not support Trump will be shut out.  Democrats will get a huge dose of their own medicine - Trump's White House will roll over them worse then Obama's White House and Congress rolled over Republicans to pass Obama's "reforms".  Democrats, and their media cronies will scream bloody murder, but to no effect.

And, in the end, China and Russia will get their wish to de-stabilize the USA.  This is the part that concerns me.  This country needs to get back to our core values.  We need to support our friends - most notably, the Ukraine and Israel.  We need to slap down those third-rate, third-world hooligans who have been attacking civilian shipping.  Will these things happen?  Only time will tell, as the late, great Jimmy Buffet said.