Friday, April 27, 2018

A Lousy Week to Get Anything Done

Actually the last two weeks have been bad.  A sibling has chosen to die of infection, rather than have a diseased leg removed.  That in itself is disturbing.  No matter what any of us had to say, she is determined to die.
Even more disturbing was another sibling who decided to turn this tragic event into his own private circus!  Such incredible, selfish, unthinking, utter and complete idiocy!  What an utter moron!  Thank goodness my youngest brother (who has his head very square on his shoulders) was able to dismantle the circus, and send the clowns packing.

It was, indeed, a bad week to get things done.  SPARCL15 is still nice and stable.  I discovered an issue in the DR7 driver (Modbus TCP).  I shall fix it before I release the next version of SPOCS.

That is all for now.