Tuesday, October 31, 2017

We Need "Truck Control"!

Today the news media reports on another horrific terrorist act, that killed a number of people, and injured many more.  Before I proceed, I want to make it very clear that I am not belittling those people, or trivializing their pain and suffering.
It seems that a man in New York took a truck, and drove it down a bicycle trail.  He caused a lot of death and injury before the police stopped him.

If you recall, when the shootings happened in Las Vegas recently, the anti-gun folks came crawling out from under their rocks to once again demand more gun laws.  I would ask these people, "how would more gun laws have prevented the disaster in New York?  Do we need 'truck control' ?"
And, once again, those morons would fail to understand that the weapon is not the cause.  We need 'truck control' as much as we need 'gun control'.  Every so often some anti-gun person reminds us that there are more guns in our country than people.  And I say "Right!  And if you look at all the gun incidents, nation-wide, for a whole year, and put that against the number of guns owned, you would find that, literally, 99.9% of all the guns in this country are NOT being used to commit a crime or hurt someone."

Some years ago, a local newspaper published an editorial I wrote on gun control.  I told of a man who walks up to a crowded school yard, and opens fire with a gun.  Many kids are killed, many are hurt.  So we outlaw guns. Then this guy gets out of prison, goes back to that school, lights a Molotov cocktail, and throws it into the playground.  Many kids die, many are hurt.  So, we pass a law, one cannot possess gasoline, except for what is in your car.  And once again, this guy gets out of prison (he shouldn't, but you know, we civilized folk do not execute murderers any more), takes his car, and drives it through the wall, into the school yard.
At what point do you finally say, hey, this person might be the problem?? 

Time to end this rant.  I have not yet heard back from Dr. Black on the Flite question.  I am working on it myself.  Hopefully I will have a solution soon.  Thus ends the 150th SPOCS post.

Good Night, Ma and Pa Wolfe, wherever you are.