Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ah, It Is Never Simple, Is It?

The last time I contacted Dr. Alan Black, of CMU, about the Festival text to speech package, he mentioned the Flite package.  Flite, or Festival-Lite, is a smaller package Whose voices sound almost as good as Festival itself.  I had tinkered with Flite a bit, but discovered that it was trying to access the audio device /dev/dsp.  This is the old Linux audio device.  It has been replaced by ALSA and OSS.  Fortunately, there is a utility called padsp, which can be used to run older audio applications.

Things get a little complicated when you are calling Flite from the command line, as SPOCS does.  I am exploring a couple ways to get past that.  I also asked Dr. Black if he was planning on releasing a new package, that does not depend on /dev/dsp.  I haven't heard from Dr. Black yet.

You know, I am aware that my readership is quite low.  Google offers ways to bring in more readers, but I wonder if it would be worth it.  I am used to being a lonely voice in the wilderness.  It does not really bother me.

Good Night, Ma and Pa Wolfe, wherever you are.