Sunday, August 27, 2017

As Summer Roars On To A Close...

Here we are, at the end of August.  Time is roaring by at an ever-increasing rate, at least it seems like it to me.  From getting downsized in January of this year, to starting my own business, to hooking up with a great company that has great potential, it has been quite a ride.
One lesson that I have learned, first-hand...Obamacare is not that great!  We switched to Obamacare, or Marketplace insurance, if you must, after getting robbed by COBRA insurance.  COBRA is the health insurance you can get when you are laid off or downsized from your job.  The only problem - you get charged just as much as the insurance companies can legally charge you! For example, for three people, I was paying $1,800 dollars per month!  Switching to Marketplace insurance brought that down to $1000 per month.  But, marketplace insurance has its own quirks.
Such as, you do not pay an up-front copay when you visit the doctor.  Obamacare insists on you paying some percentage of the bill.  So, your doctor has to submit the claim to the insurance company, find out what they will pay, then figure out your share, and bill you for it.  Thus, more paperwork, more delays, and more expense to process what should be a simple claim.  This is what you get when the government tries to get into the health insurance business.  This is why insurance companies are quitting the marketplace.  I notice the liberal media have not reported on any of this in the years since Obamacare was made into law.  

I believe that in the next month, we shall ascertain the fate of Mr. Alan Black, of the University of Edinburgh.   He is the principal developer of the Festival text-to-speech software package.  I shall try and find out what will happen with Festival, and whether SPOCS will continue to use Festival, or switch to the EMICS speech system.  I shall keep you informed.

Good Night, Ma and Pa Wolfe, wherever you are.